If you're non religious, please tell the Census!

It is the final weekend of the Census. The Humanist and Secularist Liberal Democrats, along with the British Humanist Association, are urging all non-religious people to declare themselves as "non-religious" on their census form.
During the last Census, some non-religious people ticked the "Christian" box without thinking, even though they did not believe in God. Other non-religious people either ignored the question entirely - further suppressing the official non-religious figure, or even putting "Jedi", which some groups could used to detract from the "non-religious" statistics.
This Census, it is absolutely imperative that all non religious actually mark themselves as "non religious" on the form. Following the last Census, some religious groups used the artificially large "Christian" figure, to lobby for more faith schools or exemptions from equality legislation.
If you're non-religious, please mark yourself as such - and persuade your friends and family to do so too!
If you would like more information, please visit the British Humanist Association's "Census-Campaign" website at census-campaign.org.uk